jueves, 27 de octubre de 2016


Sandra: Hi good morning I would like you to know where blouses encuentan
Clerk: Our blouses are here Miss
Sandra: How much?
Dependent: These blouses cost five hundred sixty pesos depending on the model
Sandra: How much these tank tops?
Dependent seisientos forty pesos ... .¿Cuantas want?
Sandra: I can give blouse blue suspenders please
Dependent: if Miss immediately clear
Sandra: Okay
Clerk: Miss paid by credit card or cash
Sandra: promissory note in efectico
Dependent: Okay Miss
Sandra: but I would like to apologize esque take another shirt but long sleeves but in red
Clerk: What size?
Sandra: size small, please ... How much said it cost me?
Dependent: Five hundred sixty pesos
Sandra: I'll take the two
Clerk: OK, here you have señorita.Gracias for your purchase

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